Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Apr 8, 2021
Los Angeles Real Estate Market Update - APRIL 2021
Check out the latest information on the state of the Los Angeles Housing Market with Michel Bron of Bron Realty Group. Please subscribe...

Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Feb 15, 2021
This is the same advice I gave to my own sons...
I have known Morgan ever since he was a toddler and he has grown into a very successful and bright young man! His father and I have been...

Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Nov 30, 2020
What are Buyers' Closing Costs?
What are Closing Costs? Whenever a house is bought or sold, there are always closing costs associated with the transaction. This is true...

Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Oct 8, 2020
Buyers, Before You do Anything Get Pre-Approved!
Getting Pre-Approved is More Important than Ever! Why? How? And a Warning to those Who Think they Don't Need To.